- Appoint a champion from your leadership team.
- Champions can track and report progress for response times
- Set a percentage goal
- Goals should be reasonable and written down.
- Put the goal up where EVERYONE can see it
- Review progress frequently with leadership and floor staff.
- Set a frequency for how often you would like to review your progress.
- Find high performers and use them to help
- Diffusion of innovation theory says you don’t need to convince the majority, just convince 15-18% then the rest will follow.
Compete and Celebrate
- Create competitions between shifts or stations
- Compete frequently
- Allow innovation and reward initiative.
- Do random micro-celebrations
- Randomly choose a day and see which shift or station had the best call times. Give each team member a small prize. ($1 lotto ticket , candy bar, small gift card).
- Find the room with the best response times and celebrate the CNA and nurse for that room
- Plan a large celebrations for meeting big goals
- Make it worth the effort
- Set expectation
- Institute standards for response times with individual floor staff
- Use metrics for reviews
- Apply standards to yearly reviews, promotions, or other recognitions
- Talk to residents about call response times frequently.
- Make it part of monthly rounds
- Time of Day Activity Level Report
- be on the floor at peak call times
- All Call Duration Report
- compare nursing stations and shifts
- Compare Call Duration Report
- Compare improvement times for facility and use right pie chart and legend to compare stations and shifts. The right pie chart is only for calls over 5 mins
- Room by Average Duration per Shift
- Look at the best shift for a room and celebrate the charge nurse and CNA for that room.
- 14 different reports to help you pin point areas for improvement